Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement

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Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement

The Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for council employees within the Bayside area. This agreement is negotiated between the council and its employees, with the aim of ensuring fair and reasonable working conditions.

To better understand this agreement, let`s take a closer look at its key features.

What is the Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement?

The Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement is a legally binding document that sets out the terms and conditions for council employees. This agreement covers a wide range of employment matters, including:

– Salaries and wages

– Leave entitlements (such as annual leave, sick leave, and long service leave)

– Working hours and conditions

– Performance management

– Training and development opportunities

– Health and safety policies

– Redundancy and termination procedures

It is worth noting that the Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement is separate from the Modern Award that covers local government employees. The Enterprise Agreement is negotiated specifically for Bayside council employees and can provide additional benefits and entitlements beyond those outlined in the Modern Award.

Who is covered by the Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement?

The Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement covers all council employees within the Bayside area, including:

– Administrative staff

– Tradespeople (such as electricians and plumbers)

– Engineers and technicians

– Outdoor workers (such as parks and gardens staff)

– Community services staff (such as librarians and social workers)

This agreement does not cover employees who are engaged on a casual or temporary basis.

What are the benefits of the Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement?

There are several benefits to having an Enterprise Agreement in place, including:

– Fair and reasonable working conditions: The agreement ensures that employees are treated fairly and have access to reasonable working conditions.

– Improved job security: The Enterprise Agreement provides a clear process for performance management, termination, and redundancy procedures, which can improve job security for employees.

– Increased employee engagement: By involving employees in the negotiation process, the Enterprise Agreement can help to increase engagement and job satisfaction.

– Improved productivity: By outlining expectations and providing training and development opportunities, the agreement can improve productivity and help employees to meet performance standards.

In conclusion, the Bayside City Council Enterprise Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for council employees in the Bayside area. By ensuring fair and reasonable working conditions, this agreement can help to improve job satisfaction and productivity, and provide greater job security for employees.

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